1. Membership


We invite companies and research institutions, developers and experts, UV enthusiasts and networkers to collaboratively build a powerful association, to think outside the box and promote new UV technologies together.

The Advanced UV for Life e. V. offers ...

… a learning network that serves as a platform for

  • the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of UV components and their applications
  • expert contacts from science and industry around UV-technologies
  • connecting with industrial companies and research institutions along the entire UV supply chain
  • the formation of task forces to develop new and interesting topics

… regular updates on

  • new developments, state of the art and market developments in the field of UV technologies
  • relevant funding programmes
  • access to documents from webinars and other events (on request)

… visibility through

  • professional public relations
  • publishing your news and events via our channels - Newsletter, website and LinkedIn
  • joint national and international events, conferences and webinars

 … support with

  • public relations and events
  • project and network management within the scope of joint projects
  • securing skilled workers, promoting young talents, training and further education
  • the application process for publicly funded projects

… advocacy for

  • raising awareness and promoting the acceptance of new UV technologies among the public, policy makers and media
  • changes and improvements to legislation, standards and other regulations.